If you are buying leads from different companies you may start to notice that there are overlapping leads. At first you may think that people are just applying for health insurance from different companies. But sometimes you can have the same lead come in at the very same time. I didn't think it was too big of a deal until one day I got 15 duplicate leads. Granted it could very well be that all of the people miraculously got on their computers at the same time from different parts of the state, opened two different sites at the same time, and typed their information simultaneously.
Well just like any normal hard working person you start to get frustrated with the whole process of buying leads when stuff like that occurs. I started believing that there was some huge vendor that was getting tons of leads and selling the same leads to smaller lead vendors. That was until I put my own website up on the internet and I started getting leads and they were duplicated with the leads from my lead vendors. At that point I knew for sure that sometimes people do go to different sites at close to the same time. If a lead comes in at the exact time or one minute after wards you know you have a problem.
To fix the problem find the lead vendor that is giving you the most area and ask them what company they have posted that you are appointed with. If one lead vendor shows that you are representing Assurant Health and the other United Health Care then change the lead vendor with the least amount of lead area to the other company you represent.
The lead vendor might say well we only have 2 zipcodes that fit your criteria for that company. Most people would give up at this point but not you. Find a insurance company that most people wouldn't get appointed with and let each lead vendor know the name of that insurance company. Now you have a bigger area and no duplication of leads. If you are having additional problems a frank conversation with both lead vendors on a 3 way call can do wonders! I would suggest letting them know that if they can't figure things out then you are prepared to look for other lead vendors to work with. :)
This Blog is designed by Ethan Selph to help agents receive tips on successfully selling health insurance. If you have any questions about how to sell health insurance or building your business, feel free to email me at ethanselph@yahoo.com. I will reply by putting a post on my blog.
Blog Archive
- Need temporary help in a specific field?
- Focusing on several projects
- Norvax Video Overview
- The difference between Norvax and Quotit
- Norvax Autoresponders
- Personal Development Coach
- How to prevent lead overlapping
- Survey Methods
- Underwriting Tips
- Underwriting Email Templates
- The truth about advances
- Feel tired when working?
- Auto Dialing Capabilities
- Getting beat on shared internet leads?
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Hi Insurance Agents,
Welcome to my Blog. I'm excited to be offering tips and ideas that have helped me through the years selling insurance. Here you will find articles, strategies and recommendations on increasing your productivity in the insurance industry.
In the eight years I have worked in the Insurance industry, I have been fortunate to work with many top producers that have shared successful ideas from which I have been able to form some practical strategies.
The tips that I will offer here will keep you increasing productivity and income.
Please check back weekly, as I will be adding articles and tips to increase your bottom line.
Ethan Selph
Welcome to my Blog. I'm excited to be offering tips and ideas that have helped me through the years selling insurance. Here you will find articles, strategies and recommendations on increasing your productivity in the insurance industry.
In the eight years I have worked in the Insurance industry, I have been fortunate to work with many top producers that have shared successful ideas from which I have been able to form some practical strategies.
The tips that I will offer here will keep you increasing productivity and income.
Please check back weekly, as I will be adding articles and tips to increase your bottom line.
Ethan Selph