Hello Ethan - thank you for your wonderfully informative blog. I hope you can give me your insight as to how to proceed. I am new at selling health insurance but at this point I am wondering if it's worth it to invest any further time and money in this business.
I have been hearing that a lot of agents are feeling very discouraged. I don't want to invest any more time and money in something that might be taken from us in the NEAR future and by 2014. And diversifying is going to be very competitive. But maybe worth it.
As one experienced GA agent wrote (and many are feeling the same)
>>>I sometimes have trouble justifying the effort at current levels. If the comp cuts in half I will probably send them a link and wish them luck. ...
even if 75% of the agents bailed already this year, those who remain like us - for how long will we consider this business worth the return on investment of our time? it's getting ridiculously difficult to even put a sale together. Tell me, for the next three years if compensation is cut by say 50% is it worth staying in this biz? There comes a point where one either says no or yes to this ridiculous health insurance market...Deciding how much of my time and effort into a different direction. Come January, deciding my direction may come much easier..... >>>>>
Thank you!
Dear Susan,
I wasn't aware that so many agents were having a hard time with the business.? I have always believed that 90% of agents have NO CLUE how to run a business. Most are average to excellent sales people with charisma and work ethic but don't ever treat it like a business. I didn't either until I really studied people from Asian cultures on how they ran businesses. Most of these people save their money like crazy and really don't turn a profit the first 5 years while they are building clientele.
I think most insurance agents want to start making income right away. As you and I both know, revenue is different than profit. Until you are covering your debts and expenses you really aren't "making money". I think most of the people that are having a hard time are those that have over-leveraged their revenue by advances and lead costs to a point that they are really not making money; they are just spending their revenues and paying themselves on this.
My advice to you is this..........If you expect to start selling health insurance and making a profit right away you need to really have some reserves to get you through the first year. I would take some advice from some Asian business owners on how to start a successful business. Maybe go to a Chinese restaurant or something and talk to the owners.
Get your personal and business expenses low so that you can break a profit earlier. I like the quote from Brad Pitt in a movie that says "The things you own end up owning you." Stuff can make your life more complicated and harder to manage while you are starting out. I should know.....I used to have a driver drive me to appointments. Fascinating idea but in the end I could have sold more without him.
Get advice from a professional who specializes in analyzing businesses. I recommend Randy Russon. He is the one that has helped me and continues to help. My wife is a CPA but doesn't really know how to analyze my business so we go to Randy. You can find his contact information in this blog.
I would also recommend doing everything you can to increase your profitability by $5 a day. I have a person business coach that has helped me for over 4 years with goal setting and techniques that I would recommend. His website is www.performancegains.com. His name is Coach Bob and he is amazing.
Lastly.........If that is true, that 75% of agents might be quitting the industry, agents that can make it are going to make tons of money. I have been selling on average 3 policies per family. If you sell products like dental, vision, life, accident, and disability you have no worries even if they drop commissions down by 50%.
This Blog is designed by Ethan Selph to help agents receive tips on successfully selling health insurance. If you have any questions about how to sell health insurance or building your business, feel free to email me at ethanselph@yahoo.com. I will reply by putting a post on my blog.
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Hi Insurance Agents,
Welcome to my Blog. I'm excited to be offering tips and ideas that have helped me through the years selling insurance. Here you will find articles, strategies and recommendations on increasing your productivity in the insurance industry.
In the eight years I have worked in the Insurance industry, I have been fortunate to work with many top producers that have shared successful ideas from which I have been able to form some practical strategies.
The tips that I will offer here will keep you increasing productivity and income.
Please check back weekly, as I will be adding articles and tips to increase your bottom line.
Ethan Selph
Welcome to my Blog. I'm excited to be offering tips and ideas that have helped me through the years selling insurance. Here you will find articles, strategies and recommendations on increasing your productivity in the insurance industry.
In the eight years I have worked in the Insurance industry, I have been fortunate to work with many top producers that have shared successful ideas from which I have been able to form some practical strategies.
The tips that I will offer here will keep you increasing productivity and income.
Please check back weekly, as I will be adding articles and tips to increase your bottom line.
Ethan Selph